02 Feb 2021 How You can Save Money on Your Business’ Energy Bill
Running a small business can sometimes feels like an exercise in hunting for the best deal on various utilities. Broadband, telecoms, and so many other services are all reliant on you searching for that perfect deal. At One Connectivity we like to make it simple. We tailor the right solution for you, to trim the fat and provide cost-effective phone and connectivity solutions. But what you may not know is how to get a better deal on your business energy.
For many businesses, energy is one of those more complex utilities. Many companies stick with a supplier despite issues or without comparing costs, due to the hassle you’ve come to expect from switching providers. This shouldn’t be the case though. With the right information, you can make a real and informed decision about the best supplier to work with. According to the Ofgem regulator, the vast majority of UK businesses are currently overpaying on their energy. A whopping 70% in fact. We wanted to change this. So, here are some of the ways we are helping businesses to demystify the world of energy and to hopefully steer you in the direction of a better deal.
Going Green
Choosing a greener option for your energy has many benefits, and not just for the planet. There is obviously a large amount more goodwill out there for companies that are working towards a greener future. However there are also cost benefits too! Many grants and financial incentives are available for small and medium sized businesses who can prove that they are helping to move towards a greener future.
If this interests you, then get in touch and enquire about our Green energy solutions. We offer a variety of options that can work for businesses of any scale and are still designed with the same cost benefits in mind as other plans.
Proactive monitoring
The trap that many teams fall into when they are caught out by high energy prices is not keeping an eye on their contract. Service providers have been known to escalate prices mid-contract and expect businesses to stick with them out of convenience. We have partnered with Fidelity Energy to help businesses to escape this.
Alongside Fidelity, we can advise you on how to keep costs down at every step of your energy journey. From helping you to find the best time to switch, in tune with global energy prices, to monitoring your tariff to help reduce usage costs further down the line. Our proactive monitoring service keeps you fully in the know about everything to do with your business energy. Proactive monitoring not only saves you money now, but in the future too.
Work Alongside the Right Team
When you negotiate an energy contract with a provider yourself you run the risk of being taken advantage of. There can be serious financial risks involved with the process. Prices can vary by 28% between the highest and lowest quote for each customer. It is absolutely crucial that you enter the process of searching for a supplier full of information in your arsenal.
Fidelity Energy are partnered with all of the main energy suppliers across the UK, from the South East to Scotland. They vet each and every supplier they work with to stop businesses from being on the receiving end of any dodgy deals. This means that they are in an ideal position to negotiate the best contract for businesses, not the ones that best suit suppliers. When you switch with us everything is impartial, from initial consultation to an analysis of your usage and current tariffs.
When it comes to small businesses, the full picture often isn’t available when it comes to their utilities. SMEs often don’t have the same bargaining power as larger more established enterprises. By negotiating alone you risk missing out on the savings available. That is why it is necessary to bring backup. That’s exactly what we and Fidelity aim to be.
We’re here to help!
Of course, changing provider isn’t everything that a business can do to save money on their energy. There are plenty of little things you can do around your premises in order to remain cost-effective. Everything from insulating your building to smart thermostat control can have a great knock-on effect. Many providers will conduct a check of your premises at the start of your contract and this can be an invaluable way to work out problem areas.
If you would like to find out more about how your team can save money on your energy, then get in touch with the One Connectivity team here at 0115 896 88 60 or check out our business energy page online. It’s packed full of information about whether it is the right time for your team to switch to a new contract, and how to start that process.